Test Knitting
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Test knitting is a crucial part of the pattern design process. Creating a clearly written, accurate pattern that is also a joy to knit requires a lot of thoughtful planning and meticulous number crunching – and seeing as we’re all human here, that leaves quite a bit of room for error!

Although I try my absolute best to ensure that all the numbers in my patterns are accurate across all sizes, there’s really no way for me to know for sure if it all works well in the end unless I see the finished product on an actual human body. And that’s where you come in!

Test knitting for me means that you will receive early access to a pattern design in order to help me ensure that the instructions are as clear as possible, and that the finished product fits the way it’s intended to. You will knit up a sample in your size by a predetermined deadline, and provide me with feedback on where the pattern instructions can be improved along the way.

It is my goal to make sure that my patterns are all size inclusive and fits well no matter your body type. But for that, I’ll need your help! If this is something you feel you’d be interested in, please read on to find out exactly what it looks like to test knit for me.

How to Qualify

First and foremostTHANK YOU for your interest in test knitting for Knits By Giselle! As I’ve mentioned above, test knitters play such an important role in ensuring that the quality and accuracy of my patterns are ‘up to snuff’, as they say – before they get released out into the world for any and all to see!

For clarity’s sake, below I’ve compiled a list of what I generally tend to look for in an ideal test knitting candidate.

lata sweater test knitting banner

First and foremostTHANK YOU for your interest in test knitting for Knits By Giselle! As I’ve mentioned above, test knitters play such an important role in ensuring that the quality and accuracy of my patterns are ‘up to snuff’, as they say – before they get released out into the world for any and all to see!

For clarity’s sake, below I’ve compiled a list of what I generally tend to look for in an ideal test knitting candidate.

* knitting skills

Generally, your knitting skills should reflect the complexity of the pattern you’re applying to test knit. For example, if you’re looking to test knit a design that includes intricate lace and/or cable knitting, I do prefer that you’re able to demonstrate at least some understanding of how to tackle those skills.

* time commitment

The duration of a test knit can vary considerably, but I generally allow between 2-16 weeks depending on the size, gauge, and complexity of the project. I realize we all have a life and jobs to consider apart from test knitting a silly ol’ knitting project, so I do try my best to ensure that I give ample time to my testers. All that I ask is that you be honest about your availability and ability to commit to the allotted time frame.

* communication

Communication is absolutely KEY! As a test knitter, you will be expected to provide regular updates on your progress, report any issues or concerns, and provide detailed constructive feedback throughout the process.

* confidentiality

Since testers get early access to a pattern sometimes several months before its release date, I kindly ask that you please not share, distribute, or publish any information included in the pattern throughout the entire course of the test knit. Strict confidentiality is a MUST.

* photography

Aside from pattern accuracy and clarity, perhaps the most important reason why we test knit is to be able to see what the finished product actually looks like on a human body when all is said and done. For this, you’ll need to be comfortable sending me photographs of yourself (or someone you know) wearing your finished project so I can see if it ends up fitting the way it’s intended to. With your permission and depending on the quality, I will likely end up sharing some of these photos on social media for promotional use.

Test Knitting F.A.Q.

how can i get notified for future calls?

Get on the mailing list! My email subscribers will be the first to know about any future test knitting calls so if you think you'd be interested in test knitting one of my patterns, enter your email address into the subscriber box below!

I'll also typically send out a call for test knitting on my Instagram page, so give me a follow there @knitsbygiselle if you'd like to stay informed. 

I'm a beginner, can I still apply?

Absolutely! Beginners are always welcome. Whether you're applying to test a beginner-friendly pattern or a more elaborate knit, if you're up for the challenge, you're most certainly welcome to apply!

Do you provide compensation?

If you do get selected to test knit for me, you will, of course, receive the pattern you have been chosen to test at no cost to you. As a bonus, I also offer my test knitters an additional pattern of choice free of cost from my pattern shop.

do you provide the yarn?

Unfortunately, no. At this time, I don't have the resources to be able to supply the yarn to my test knitters. 

Do I have to use the same yarn listed in the pattern?

Nope. I understand, of course, that we all have different fiber preferences, so if there's a yarn you have in mind for a particular test knit, the choice is completely up to you! As long as you're able to match the gauge listed in the pattern, you can choose any yarn you please. 

Where will the test knit be hosted?

Typically my test knits will be hosted on Slack. If you're not familiar with Slack, don't worry - it's not difficult to learn and it's completely free. You can download it on your mobile app store, or on their website, here.

Can I share my progress on social media?

Yes! It's encouraged actually (though, not required of course!). If you're the social media type and enjoy sharing your WIP's online, go for it! Just be sure to tag me in your posts @knitsbygiselle and use the appropriate pattern hashtags. 

Do I have to have a social media account to qualify?

No. As long as you're a knitter and you can provide me with some pictures of your past projects (through email), you're most welcome to apply. 

Can I make modifications to the pattern?

Generally, no - at least no major modifications, unless you run them by me first. One of the major purposes of a test knit is to find out whether the instructions work as they are written. But, if you're looking to make modifications that would improve the fit for your particular body, please do let me know before you do! I'm usually happy to allow it.

how can i get notified for future calls?

Get on the mailing list! My email subscribers will be the first to know about any future test knitting calls so if you think you'd be interested in test knitting one of my patterns, enter your email address into the subscriber box below!

I'll also typically send out a call for test knitting on my Instagram page, so give me a follow there @knitsbygiselle if you'd like to stay informed. 

I'm a beginner, can I still apply?

Absolutely! Beginners are always welcome. Whether you're applying to test a beginner-friendly pattern or a more elaborate knit, if you're up for the challenge, you're most certainly welcome to apply!

Do you provide compensation?

If you do get selected to test knit for me, you will, of course, receive the pattern you have been chosen to test at no cost to you. As a bonus, I also offer my test knitters an additional pattern of choice free of cost from my pattern shop.

do you provide the yarn?

Unfortunately, no. At this time, I don't have the resources to be able to supply the yarn to my test knitters. 

Do I have to use the same yarn listed in the pattern?

Nope. I understand, of course, that we all have different fiber preferences, so if there's a yarn you have in mind for a particular test knit, the choice is completely up to you! As long as you're able to match the gauge listed in the pattern, you can choose any yarn you please. 

where will the test knit be hosted?

Typically my test knits will be hosted on Slack. If you're not familiar with Slack, don't worry - it's not difficult to learn and it's completely free. You can download it on your mobile app store, or on their website, here.

can i share my progress on social media?

Yes! It's encouraged actually (though, not required of course!). If you're the social media type and enjoy sharing your WIP's online, go for it! Just be sure to tag me in your posts @knitsbygiselle and use the appropriate pattern hashtags. 

do i have to have a social media account?

No. As long as you're a knitter and you can provide me with some pictures of your past projects (through email), you're most welcome to apply. 

can i make modifications to the pattern?

Generally, no - at least no major modifications, unless you run them by me first. One of the major purposes of a test knit is to find out whether the instructions work as they are written. But, if you're looking to make modifications that would improve the fit for your particular body, please do let me know before you do! I'm usually happy to allow it.